Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, hello! I want to share a story with you about my day yesterday. A group of us went up to a mountain to ski and snowboard. I had only skied once maybe twice in junior high. I decided snowboarding would be more fun! I love to wakeboard so I thought this will be fine. Well thats the funny part. I followed my lead and got on the lift that I was told would take me to the over easy part of the mountain. ( I should have gone with my gut and gone on the bunny hill first.) So I get on the lift. Mind you I have no idea how to get off with a snowboard and no idea how to ride this thing attached to one foot. Then I realize that the lift I am on will not let me off part way up the mountain but is taking me to the very top. At this point I am scared and want to get off but what can you do. Well, we got to the top. I got off the lift but of course i fell in the process. Great start! Then for the next hour and a half or two I fell and fell and fell again. I did not even make it half way down the mountain before I had to take off my board and start walking. I was miserable. I was in so much pain and still had no idea how to control the board. It controlled me! I hate that feeling of being out of control. I was so far up the mountain that I rode the lift down. Yes you know that lonely person you see coming down on the other side of the lift as you go up to ski down. That was me! It was a very humbling experience and the next time I decide to go up the mountain to ski I will first visit the bunny hill and learn how to do it! Lesson learned! Never again do I want to go through that NEVER! Well yesterday you can just imagine how emotional I was but I can say that today I have been able to sit back and laugh and see the lessons I learned. Starting off small is a good thing!