Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All the girls! Amber, Emily, Andrea, Me, Amanda,                                                                                                                      Jamie and Elise.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So, the coast was BEAUTIFUL! We had a great retreat in Seaside OR. It was a good time of bonding for "Team Intern"! I think my favorite part was a two hour time of solitude that we were given to spend time in the Word and prayer and set our personal goals for the year. I walked down to the beach and sat in the sand. It was so amazing to sit there and listen and watch the waves crash and just draw near to God. The day we got there was my birthday and they had birthday cake for me! It was really fun. One of the girls knew that I loved lemon cake with lemon frosting so they made me a lemon cake. The funny thing is she forgot the frosting:) They had another cake too! After this retreat I am even more excited to see what God will do in my life and also in the lives of the other interns. Please just pray for us as we continue to serve out here. Pray that we would serve as Christ would serve! Miss you all!

P.S. We went to Haystack Rock which was were part of Goonies was filmed!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hello! Sorry its been awhile. I have had a busy week. Work is going really well and I am still loving it out here. Tomorrow all the interns and our small group leaders are headed to the coast! I can't wait! I have never seen the pacific! We will be there till wed. morning. It is our intern retreat were we will be doing a lot of goal setting and stuff like that. I will fill  you in on all of that when we get back! Please be praying for us as we go that we will grow closer together spiritually and grow closer to God! Thank you for your continued prayer while I am out here. I am missing home a little bit but know this is were i am suppose to be and I am excited for this journey!

Love ya all!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another day in the Canyon!

Well, another day has gone by. I worked in the kitchen all day today and had a great day. We had a staff meeting this morning and I was suppose to share my life story but I got out of it this week so next Thur. it is! Things are going really well here! I hope to get more pictures up soon so you can see the other interns! I have to head to staff worship (which I am very excited about!) Oh, and work at 5:45 am tomorrow. AHHHH!

Love you all,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This is the view from the camp of pool!
The Iron Kettle (my new work place)

The Sports center!

Day off!

Well, we did our first town run yesterday. Two cars drove to Bend OR which is a two hour drive. We went to Costco (which overwhelmed me), Target (my favorite), Goodwill and Walmart ( I got my groceries there). It was a long day but we got what we needed and had fun hanging out with one another. When we got back we unloaded and then a few of us played basketball with other camp staff. It was fun but wow I need to get into shape. Last night we also watch Count of the Monte Cristo (sp?) which i slept through most of it :)! Today is just catch up day and relax. It is beautiful out. The sun is shining and the leaves on the trees are turning. God's creation is so amazing. Things are going great here although I miss you all! Write me or call me please!!!!!!!

Love ya,

Saturday, October 4, 2008

                                         My Bed!

The View from my bedroom Window!


Sorry for not updating sooner my Internet has not been working in the condo so I had to find a place to get on! Well it is Saturday morning and I am sitting on a porch swing looking out at the beautiful mountains. I first want to tell you all how awesome it is to see God's creation and the beauty of it. There is no flat corn fields! It is so strange. I arrived here Wed. afternoon and got my stuff moved in. I am living with 4 other single female interns in a 7 bedroom condo. It is great and I love them all. We have spent a lot of time training together over the last few days. I am the new kitchen intern and I am very excited. Yesterday I cut up 60 lbs of potatoes, cut and seasoned 150 lbs of roast and made homemade sub sandwich bread. It was so much fun and the kitchen staff is a blast! The camp facilities here are really nice. I will be spending my weekends in the Iron Kettle (dining hall) and during the week I will be working with Housekeeping (cleaning bathrooms and hotel rooms). I am very excited to see all that God will be teaching me over the next year. There are a total of 13 interns here for the year. We have small group leaders we will me with weekly and also have weekly worship night.
 So I told you all that I would be in the middle of nowhere. It is very true! We drove through Antelope and I just laughed at how small it was and there is nothing there. Then we kept driving and driving and driving farther down and down into the canyon. I just kept laughing. To get to a store we have to drive at least an hour and that only gets us to a town that is not much bigger but has some stores. 
I am really excited for this year. If you want to plan a visit I would love it. I can have guest anytime during school season but none during summer. I have Mondays and Tuesdays off during the week so that is the best time to come. so take a look at those calenders and pick a date! Well my new contact information is:
Address: PO Box 212 
Antelope, Or 97001
Phone: 541 489 3189

I would love to get letters or packages and always love a phone call! I will update again soon!
Love ya all!