Saturday, October 4, 2008


Sorry for not updating sooner my Internet has not been working in the condo so I had to find a place to get on! Well it is Saturday morning and I am sitting on a porch swing looking out at the beautiful mountains. I first want to tell you all how awesome it is to see God's creation and the beauty of it. There is no flat corn fields! It is so strange. I arrived here Wed. afternoon and got my stuff moved in. I am living with 4 other single female interns in a 7 bedroom condo. It is great and I love them all. We have spent a lot of time training together over the last few days. I am the new kitchen intern and I am very excited. Yesterday I cut up 60 lbs of potatoes, cut and seasoned 150 lbs of roast and made homemade sub sandwich bread. It was so much fun and the kitchen staff is a blast! The camp facilities here are really nice. I will be spending my weekends in the Iron Kettle (dining hall) and during the week I will be working with Housekeeping (cleaning bathrooms and hotel rooms). I am very excited to see all that God will be teaching me over the next year. There are a total of 13 interns here for the year. We have small group leaders we will me with weekly and also have weekly worship night.
 So I told you all that I would be in the middle of nowhere. It is very true! We drove through Antelope and I just laughed at how small it was and there is nothing there. Then we kept driving and driving and driving farther down and down into the canyon. I just kept laughing. To get to a store we have to drive at least an hour and that only gets us to a town that is not much bigger but has some stores. 
I am really excited for this year. If you want to plan a visit I would love it. I can have guest anytime during school season but none during summer. I have Mondays and Tuesdays off during the week so that is the best time to come. so take a look at those calenders and pick a date! Well my new contact information is:
Address: PO Box 212 
Antelope, Or 97001
Phone: 541 489 3189

I would love to get letters or packages and always love a phone call! I will update again soon!
Love ya all!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Hey, I'm so glad to hear how well you are adjusting. I didn't think you would have a problem. God's creation is beyond words. I will continue to pray for you. I miss you. I can't wait to hear your voice again. Big hug from me to you. Love you :)