Saturday, November 29, 2008

Taralyn, Jeremy, Janelle, Jessica, Juliana
Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I had a great one! I surprised my family and flew home for the holiday! Our WHOLE family was together! It was wonderful. It has been nice to spend time with friends and family although I will admit the busyness of life outside of the canyon is kind of overwhelming. I miss the quiet peaceful feeling of the canyon were there are not as many distractions. I miss the beauty of the hills and my friends. But it has been great to spend time here and I am excited to go to church tomorrow. God is so great and I feel so blessed to have the family I do and to have the opportunity to take the journey I am on. There will be no surprises at Christmas. I will be spending it in OR at my Uncle Tim and Aunt Teresa's house. We have a very busy schedule at camp when I return all the way up to the week of Christmas. Well, enjoy all the of the Christmas shopping and baking you have to do I can't wait to make Christmas cookies. Please pray for me as I travel back to the canyon on Monday and pray that God will continue to teach me and grow me. Thank you for your prayers.

Love ya,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Over a month!

Wow! It is hard to believe I have lived in the Canyon for over a month! I love it here though. It has been a great month of building relationships and seeing God in so many ways! I am in Hermiston now at my Aunt and Uncle's for my weekend just to get away for a little bit. We have a had very busy weekends at camp. I am getting really good at cleaning toilets and making beds! I also am slowly and I mean very slowly getting over my fears of spiders!!!!! I had to kill 12 the other day and I screamed every time!!!!! No fun! But I feel so truly blessed for this opportunity to serve out here for this year and am excited to continue to bring you along on this journey. I will post more pictures soon!
